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Koch’s birth certificate was hacked to find his father; Neena Gupta scolded the reporter.

Koch’s birth certificate was hacked to find his father;  Neena Gupta scolded the reporter.

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Neena Gupta is a veteran Bollywood actress. Neena Gupta dwarfs even the young in vibe, despite being older than everyone else. Neena Gupta is just as famous for breaking clichés off screen as she is on screen. Neena Gupta has always gone against the grain. Neena, who won accolades in the film world by playing different characters, is also traveling her own path in her life.

Neena Gupta gave birth to her daughter Masaba Gupta out of wedlock. Nina’s decision was not something a hero could even think about at that moment. At the time, many criticized Nina’s decision to give birth to a child out of wedlock and raise her alone. Not only at that time but also today, Sadacharo’s conscience couldn’t accept Nina at all. But the criticism did not deter Nina. They proved the time that they were right.

Neena Gupta

Today, his daughter Masaba is a fan favorite just like her mother. Following the path of her mother, Masaba also became an actress. Apart from acting, Masaba is also a well-known fashion designer. Neena Gupta says that not only society but also the media persecuted her. Neena’s candor in an interview with Rajdeep Sardesai.

Masaba gave birth to their daughter in 1989. Masaba’s father is cricket legend Vivian Richards. Both were in love for a long time. But Vivian was already married. So the two did not marry. Nina decided that she would raise her daughter alone. Nina didn’t want to talk about the father of her baby during her pregnancy. With this, Neena revealed that she tried to get her daughter’s birth certificate from a journalist.

The journalist tried to obtain the birth certificate to find out who the father of the child is. Such a move was made by the media worker Pritish Nandy. Nina’s aunt had sent the baby’s birth certificate to the government office. When she went to buy it again, she discovered that someone else had come and taken the certificate.

Neena Gupta

“When I went a week later, they said your relative took it. Luckily he knew someone who knew him. He wrote the article using that certificate. Nina says, “If educated, well-informed people do this, what can we say?” In an interview, Nina insults the journalist who exposed the fraud. This video is now becoming the talk of the town again.

The video also shows Masaba questioning those who call him Jarasantati. Masaba’s response is that those who accept her husband’s infidelity are making fun of her. Meanwhile, Neena Gupta has not kept her daughter away from her father. Masaba used to go to her father’s country to see him. Vivian and Nina had met for her daughter’s wedding.

Story first published: Friday, June 2, 2023 4:20 PM [IST]

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