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Aishwarya Bhaskaran Reveals BTS of the Unforgettable Lip-Lock Scene with Vikram in ‘Meera’

Aishwarya Bhaskaran Reveals BTS of the Unforgettable Lip-Lock Scene with Vikram in ‘Meera’

Aishwarya Bhaskaran, the daughter of the renowned actress Lakshmi, made her debut in the Telugu film “Adavilo Abhimanyu” back in 1989. Since then, she has acted in various films in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada languages.

One of her notable movies was “Meera” in 1992, where she starred alongside Siyan Vikram. Aishwarya recently shared her experience of filming a lip-lock scene with Vikram in that particular film.

During the lip-lock scene, Aishwarya, who made her debut as the lead actress in “Adavilo Abhimanyu,” mesmerized her fans with her captivating performance. Fans from the 90s still hold fond memories of the film “Uyin Uyy,” where Aishwarya acted alongside Parthipan.

While she has acted in numerous films since then, Aishwarya currently appears in smaller guest roles. In a recent interview with a popular YouTube channel, she discussed her experience working on “Meera.” Notably, Vikram played the hero in this film, which was directed by cinematographer PC Sriram.

“Meera” marked a significant milestone in Vikram’s career, and the lip-lock kiss scene between Vikram and Aishwarya, directed by PC Sriram, added to the film’s impact. Aishwarya openly shared her thoughts on the incident during the interview, describing her unforgettable experience of working with Vikram, who is known for his dedication to his craft.

However, she mentioned that the lip-lock scene was the worst part of the whole experience. The scene involved kissing while standing in knee-deep water in the studio. Aishwarya was mentally prepared for it but was disappointed when she discovered that the area where she had to step was very dirty. She didn’t want to set foot in that filth.

Consequently, when she got closer to Vikram, the romantic mood didn’t really click for her. Aishwarya even admitted to vomiting during the lip-lock scene. It took some time for her and Vikram to establish a good on-screen chemistry during the shooting of “Meera.” Only after half of the filming was completed did their chemistry start to work. Nevertheless, Aishwarya mentioned that they had already finished shooting the lip-lock scene by that point.

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