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Ameesha dressed in her mane; Sanjay Dutt came with a cloth to hide her breasts; Finally…

Ameesha dressed in her mane;  Sanjay Dutt came with a cloth to hide her breasts;  Finally…

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There is no place for brawls and fights between Bollywood stars. There are fights between actors both on camera and off camera. something will come out Some will go unnoticed. There are those who have lost opportunities and have lost their career due to fights between stars. Actress Ameesha Patel is an actress who has lost opportunities due to a fight.

Ameesha and Sanjay Dutt are top Bollywood stars. They were both close friends. Sanju’s wife Manyata and Ameesha are very close friends. But an incident caused a rift between Sanju and Ameesha. Let’s read about that fight that was not caught by prying eyes.

Ameesha Patel

Ameesha Patel was once the main heroine of Bollywood. As much as the onscreen hits, the offscreen controversies have always been with Ameesha. From family troubles to a case of financial fraud, Ameesha’s name has been the subject of controversy. One of the things that affected Ameesha’s career was her fight with Khal Naik.

The event occurred in 2012. It was at Rohit Dhawan’s wedding that Sanju and Ameesha had a fight. The reason for the fight was that Sanju asked Ameesha to cover her body during the event. The incident was reported in the Times of India.

“Sanju is a traditional thinker. He doesn’t like women who wear revealing clothes. So when Sanju saw Ameesha, who looked like his sister, wearing revealing clothes, he asked her to cover her body. Sanju covered himself with a dupatta. Ameesha could not accept this,” the report says.

Ameesha was mad at Sanju. she spoke aloud. Ameesha asked who you are to comment on what she should wear and how she should wear it. Sanju was shocked by Ameesha’s outburst and walked out of the show without uttering a word. He left for Mumbai the next day,” the report said.

Ameesha Patel

But the problem did not end there. Sanju asked to change the actress of the two movies in which she was supposed to act with Ameesha. They were the films of Priyadarshan and David Dhawan. Sanju and Ameesha, who had acted together before and who are friends, got tangled up in this. But when this news came out, Ameesha didn’t hesitate to speak out against Sanju.

“Sanju is too protective of me. A very close friend. Never misbehave. In fact, if anyone tries to touch me, Sanju will kill him. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. All the news of this misbehavior is misinformed and spread by Envious people,” Ameesha said.Anyway, Sanju and Ameesha haven’t acted together since that day’s incident.

Story first published: Saturday, June 24, 2023 5:01 PM [IST]

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