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Anchor makes Juhi cry by asking her about her brother in a coma; The actor was speechless.

Anchor makes Juhi cry by asking her about her brother in a coma;  The actor was speechless.

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Interviews are an indispensable part of a star’s career. Interviews help actors to increase their popularity and promote their movies to the public. But sometimes interviews aren’t such a great experience for stars. There have been many incidents where stars have blown up over hearing unnecessary questions prying into their personal lives.

Many interviews have been controversial due to bad questions. Actress Juhi Chawla has that experience. Juhi once faced a question about her brother Bobby’s health. Juhi’s video, who is unable to answer the question, is going viral on social media.

juhi chawla

Juhi Chawla is one of the iconic Bollywood heroines. An iconic career with many hit movies and performances fans will always remember. Juhi has also made her presence known in Malayalam. Juhi entered film after winning the Miss India title. Juhi soon became the leading actress in Bollywood.

Juhi Chawla’s brother Bobby Chawla suffered a stroke in 2010. With that, the star brother fell into a coma. Bobby died four years later, in 2014, at the age of 55. Juhi’s controversial interview took place when Bobby was in a coma. The interview was for a channel.

The smile on Juhi’s face disappeared when she asked about her brother. Juhi asks where are you going with this. Realizing that the actor was upset, the presenter started talking about Bobby again. Juhi’s eyes filled with tears as the MC talked about his brother’s condition and said that it was very unfortunate. Juhi’s answer was only yes.

Juhi is then seen in the video struggling with emotion and unable to make a sound. Juhi asks the host through sign language to skip this question and move on to the next one. But the presenter was not willing to back down. The host asked how he musters the courage to meet his brother every day.

juhi chawla

By then, Juhi had lost control. The star’s mood was understandable to everyone who saw her. “What can I say? Juhi’s response was that my world has collapsed. The actor also said that he does not go to the hospital regularly. The interview shoot took place on the day of Raksha Bandhan. That also made the star excited.

I came to rescue him. But the heart is breaking. Juhi also said. Then the actor asked the presenter to stop talking about his brother. From that face you can read that by that time the actor was totally devastated. This video is now being discussed again on social media.

Many people are criticizing the behavior of the presenter. Some say that this is why the actors are now reluctant to give interviews and set conditions. Some say that the presenter has no humanity. If it had been anyone else, he would have gotten up and walked out or slapped the host. Social media is also asking why people keep asking if they don’t want to talk.

Story first published: Saturday, June 10, 2023 3:33 PM [IST]

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