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He escaped in 1.2 seconds, otherwise Aamir would have been crushed to death by the train.

He escaped in 1.2 seconds, otherwise Aamir would have been crushed to death by the train.

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Aamir Khan is Bollywood’s Mr. Perfectionist. Aamir Khan will do his best to improve the movie and the scene in which he acts. Aamir Khan is willing to take any big risk to bring naturalness to his acting scenes. Therefore, he always has a minimum guarantee for his films. There is a compelling incident of Aamir Khan’s passion and devotion to cinema.

Ghulam is a 1998 film starring Aamir Khan. Ghulam was a great success. The Aathi Kya Khandala song from the film became a huge hit even before the film was released. Even today, Ghulam and Aathi Kya Khandala is a movie with cult fans and a song that has a place in pop culture. Aamir Khan’s action scenes in the film were also highly discussed.

aamir khan

The scene of Aamir jumping off the creaky train and running away is one of the most talked about scenes. The scene where Aamir’s character Sidhu jumps in front of a moving train at the last second to beat Deepak Tijori’s character Charlie in a bet became iconic. The audience watched this scene with great expectation.

Aamir filmed that scene at a time when there was no technology or visual effects like today. After years, Aamir’s candor about the scene is surprising fans. Aamir says that he acted out that scene himself and that he escaped from being hit by the train at the last moment. Aamir made the revelation when he guest-starred on Pooja Bedi’s Just Pooja.

“Two shots were created using special effects. But my front angle is filmed with the train itself. So I didn’t get it. But I freaked out when I saw it later in the editing room. When I looked at the time on the editing table, I escaped from being hit by the train by 1.2 seconds,” said Aamir. It is also worth noting that Aamir Khan completed the scene in three takes.

The film’s producer, Mukesh Bhatt, also talks about Aamir’s performance. “He was very scared. If he was one second late, he would have been crushed by the train. He is a very sincere actor. So he will work more than necessary. During the shoot, Aamir got very involved in it. He didn’t even realize it that his life was at stake. Saved by the grace of God. “Otherwise, Aamir would have died today,” he said.

aamir khan

Rani Mukerji was the heroine of Ghulam. Sarath Saxena also played an important role in the movie. The film was directed by Vikram Bhatt. The movie was a huge hit in the theaters and became one of the iconic Bollywood movies.

Meanwhile, Aamir Khan is currently facing setbacks in his career. Lal Singh Chadha, which was finally released, did not achieve the expected success. With this, Aamir Khan has decided to take a short break from acting. Aamir Khan and his wife Kiran Rao will soon be divorced. The marriage of Aamir’s daughter, Ira Khan, was also just around the corner. Fans are waiting for the actor’s return to the box office.

Story first published: Monday, June 19, 2023 6:42 PM [IST]

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