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How soon did Sridevi become a corpse? Rishi Kapoor furious; said the actor

How soon did Sridevi become a corpse?  Rishi Kapoor furious;  said the actor

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The death of actress Sridevi remains a shock to the world of cinema. On February 24, 2018, the people of India heard a completely unexpected piece of news. Sridevi was found dead in a bathtub in a Dubai hotel room. She fell unconscious in the bathtub and drowned. There were rumors that the death was not natural. Many have suggested that the claim of death from a fall in a bathtub is not credible. But later, these rumors came to nothing.

Sridevi’s death caused quite a stir in Bollywood. There were reports that the actress was drunk and this caused her to lose consciousness. Many plastic surgeries performed by Sridevi were also in the news. Many colorful stories arose in this group. It all came to a head after a few days.


Sridevi’s death was very sad for actor Rishi Kapoor. Both have acted together in movies like Nagina and Chandni. Rishi Kapoor also accused the media of disrespecting Sridevi after his death. It was the expression on Sridevi’s body that angered Rishi.

‘How did Sridevi become a corpse so soon? All the channels report that the corpse will be brought to Mumbai at night. Will we suddenly lose our individuality and become one body? Rishi Kapoor also tweeted that. Many people came out in support of Rishi Kapoor that day.

Rishi Kapoor has previously spoken openly about Sridevi’s acting prowess. Rishi Kapoor opined that what sets Sridevi apart from other actresses is her ability to bring out her best in any scene. Rishi Kapoor also shared his memories of acting with Sridevi in ​​the film Nagina.

Rishi Kapoor and Sridevi

Sridevi didn’t talk much as she was a new South Indian actress. We were acting in a love scene. Suddenly, the assistant cameraman said that the film was over. An awkward silence fell between us. Sridevi said sir, I have seen the movie Khel Khel Main four times. I also said that you danced well,’ recalled Rishi Kapoor.

Sridevi became a star after the movies Nagina and Mr. India. But not once did they show signs of stardom. At first glance, they may seem arrogant. But he seems to be without the language aspect. Rishi Kapoor then said that Sridevi started talking to everyone within a few years. Rishi Kapoor died in 2020.

Being from North India, Sridevi managed to gain attention in the Hindi film industry in a short period of time. Although she did not know Hindi very well, Sridevi herself also did voice overs for Hindi films in her early days. Ella sridevi insisted on dubbing herself in all the languages ​​in which she performed.

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