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The maid was disturbed, many times! Pooja Bedi is shocked to learn what her boyfriend was doing when she was away

The maid was disturbed, many times!  Pooja Bedi is shocked to learn what her boyfriend was doing when she was away

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The Aditya Pancholi-Pooja Bedi romance is the event that rocked the 1990s. Aditya is married when the news comes out that he is falling in love with Pooja. Aditya’s wife is actress Serena Wahab. But the love between Pooja and Aditya did not last long. The two parted ways soon after. Just like romance, breakups are in the news.

Pooja’s revelations against Aditya after the love break up shook all of Bollywood. Pooja openly said that Aditya abused his maid. Pooja made the revelation in an interview with a magazine. The star’s words took Bollywood by storm. Pooja’s interview paved the way for a huge controversy.

pooja bedi

“A few days ago my maid showed me the scar on her neck. I thought it was a love bite. I made fun of her by saying that. When asked who her boyfriend is, she said no one. Last night I jokingly asked her what your boyfriend’s name is. She hesitated but she said you know him,” says Pooja.

“I started naming all the men I knew. When asked if it was Aditya, she lowered her face. Pooja’s revelation is that she burst into tears and said it was him. Pooja also says that the girl revealed to her that Aditya was her he had sexually abused several times for about a month.Pooja says the girl said that Aditya first came to her when he had a fight with Pooja.

pooja bedi

Pooja says that Aditya exploited the girl by promising to make her a movie actress. Pooja also said that Aditya often came to her house when she was not there. Aditya promised the girl that she would pay him for her to go for acting training. Pooja also revealed that the girl was 14 years old when this incident occurred.

I asked you why you agreed to this. She replied that once it happened, then whatever. Seems like he used to come over when I wasn’t home. Sometimes he went directly to her. He told her that you are the only girl he has ever fallen in love with,” says Pooja. Pooja also said that he informed Aditya’s wife, Serena, about the incident. Later, Pooja filed a complaint with the police.

Story first published: Saturday, June 3, 2023 2:20 PM [IST]

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