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Jayaprada was not ready for it, but Sridevi did not hesitate; Their lives are the same’; words that attract attention

Jayaprada was not ready for it, but Sridevi did not hesitate;  Their lives are the same’;  words that attract attention

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Sridevi was an irreplaceable heroine in Indian cinema. Even today, Sridevi remains an immortal heroine in the minds of her fans. Even five years after her death, Sridevi is a topic of discussion in the world of cinema. Celebrated for her stardom and acting prowess, Sridevi’s personal life has gone through many unexpected phases. Gossip always came to the actress.

Her marriage to producer Boney Kapoor created quite a stir in Bollywood. The actress had to listen to Boney Kapoor’s blame for breaking up her first marriage. Sridevi stood by her decision despite many suggestions that she leave her relationship with Boney.

    Jaya Prada and Sridevi

Boney Kapoor had given great support to Sridevi’s career. Sridevi, who came to Hindi cinema from South India, has acted in a handful of films produced by Boney Kapoor. Jaya Prada is an actress who shone in her career alongside Sridevi. Both have acted together in a handful of movies. It was said that there was a fierce rivalry between them at the time.

Speaking of Sridevi and Jayaprada, prominent Tamil personality Dr. Kantaraj. He says that he was good friends with Sridevi’s family. He also talked about the factors that benefited Sridevi’s career. The answer is Agayam Tamil channel.

Sridevi had a charm that everyone loved as soon as they saw her. Jayaprada and Sridevi were in the lead then. Jayaprada is beautiful. But Sridevi was the attractive actress. And she had good acting skills. They drew attention even in India. They were number one in all languages.

Sridevi did not hesitate to act glamorous. That is what she made different from the actress. At that time, it was a big deal for a heroine to act so glamorously. Sridevi acted very glamorously in a Telugu film. There was criticism that this is the Sridevi seen in Tamil. Young people came to see Sridevi’s glamour, middle-aged people who knew how to act also watched the actress’s films. Sridevi made everyone who came to see the film happy.

    Jaya Prada and Sridevi

But Jayaprada was not ready to act like that. There was a competition between them. While the superstars were acting in double roles, Sridevi and Jayaprada came as heroines for two roles. But Sridevi was one step ahead in her career. The movie Mr. India should actually be titled Miss India. Kantaraj pointed out that the entire film is Sridevi.

He noted that not only Sridevi, most of the actresses of that time started their family life as second wives or after the divorce of their husbands’ first marriages. Vaijayanthimala, Jayaprada, Sridevi and others have the same life story.

Sridevi’s connections were all in the world of cinema. Actresses generally don’t have much contact with the outside world. She was close to my family outside of the movie. Her father was my friend. Kantaraj also remembered that after her father’s death, they had no one to guide them.

Story first published: Monday, Jul 24, 2023 2:16 PM [IST]

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