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What is Luxtonicware Charge? Is it Legit Transaction?

What is Luxtonicware Charge? Is it Legit Transaction?

I recently noticed a charge on my credit card statement from a company called “Luxtonicware” located in Sarasota, FL. The charge was for $150 and I have no idea what it’s for.

After doing some research, it seems a lot of other people are reporting similar fraudulent charges from this company. Here’s what I’ve found:

What is Luxtonicware?

It appears to be some kind of online pharmacy or pharmaceutical company, though there is no active website at

Many people have reported unauthorized charges from Luxtonicware on their credit cards, often for things like the drug ivermectin.

The company seems to be based out of Sarasota, Florida, but its legitimacy is highly questionable.

Is the charge legitimate?

Based on the numerous reports of fraud and scams associated with the transaction, it is extremely unlikely that this charge is legitimate.

People are reporting having to get new credit cards issued after being charged, as the charges are unauthorized.

The general consensus seems to be that it is some kind of fraudulent operation running an online pharmacy scam.

What should I do?

If you see this kind of charge on your credit card, immediately contact your card issuer to dispute the charge and request a new card.

Be vigilant about reviewing your statements and report any other suspicious or unauthorized charges.

Avoid doing business with any companies or websites associated with Luxtonicware, as it appears to be a scam.

Has anyone else encountered this Luxtonicware charge? What was your experience?

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