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Jaxon Hollis
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J&P Park Wayside Vdykes Greenwood SC 29647

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Poll Results

100%Legit Transaction ( 2 voters )
0%Unauthorized Charge ( 0 voters )
Based On 2 Votes

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I just noticed a charge on my credit card statement from J&P Park Wayside Vdykes Greenwood SC 29647 for $108.06. I don’t recall ordering anything from this company, so I’m worried it might be a fraudulent charge. Has anyone else encountered this before? What is this charge and is it legitimate? I’d really appreciate any help figuring this out, as I don’t want to get stuck paying for something I didn’t purchase.

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  1. It looks like this is a charge from the plant and seed retailer Jackson & Perkins. They operate under different brand names like JP Park Wayside, Parkseed, and Van Dyke’s Restorers. The cryptic name on your statement is how they identify the charges.

  2. If you don’t recognize the charge and can’t find any orders you placed with them, I’d recommend contacting your credit card company to dispute it as a fraudulent charge. They should be able to investigate and remove the charge if it was unauthorized.