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Zane Callahan
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Why Did DNCSS Chicago BB Con Charged on My Credit Card?

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So I just logged into my credit card account and noticed a strange charge – DNCSS Chicago BB Con for $59.15. I have no idea what this is and I definitely didn’t authorize any purchases of that amount. Has anyone else seen this before?

After a bit of digging, it seems this is a charge from Delaware North Companies Sportservice (DNCSS), a company that operates concession stands and retail stores at sports venues. The “BB Con” part likely stands for “Baseball Concessions“, so it seems this was a purchase made at a ballpark somewhere.

The weird thing is, I haven’t been to a baseball game in months, let alone spent over $50 on concessions. I’m worried this could be a fraudulent charge on my card. Has anyone else had experience with these DNCSS charges showing up unexpectedly?

What should I do about this? Any Suggestions?

I’m planning to call my credit card company to dispute the charge, but I’m curious if anyone has had to deal with this before and has advice. Is DNCSS a legitimate company, or could this be some sort of scam? I’m really hoping I can get this resolved quickly.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated! I don’t want to be on the hook for a purchase I didn’t make.

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  1. As someone who works in the concessions industry, I can confirm DNCSS is a real company that provides food/retail services at tons of sports stadiums. The charges are usually legit, but there have been issues with inconsistent/confusing transaction details on credit card statements. Definitely worth disputing if you don’t recognize the charge.

  2. I’d be really careful with this one. I got hit with a bunch of fraudulent charges a few months back that turned out to be from someone stealing my card info at a baseball game. Definitely call your bank ASAP and get that disputed. Could be a sign of bigger issues.